This Figshare contains the data used to produce the results reported in the paper "Linking joint impairment and gait biomechanics in patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis". The folder "Data analysis" contains: 1. the folder "ExampeModel" with the single-limb OpenSim models (left and right) for a representative subject. 2. the folders "IK", "ID", "JP", "SO", and "JCF" contain the kinematic and kinetic data (as .mat files) for all the subjects in the BI (bilateral), MI (monolateral), and (NI) non-impaired groups, used for the time-dependent statistical analysis. 3. the "Parameters for analysis" file including the final values used for the statistical analysis. The folder "Repeatability" contains: 1. the file "Joint_cent_Orient" including the intra- and inter-operator repetitions in the identification of the joint locations and orientations for the datasets (P1, P2, P3). 2. the file "Mus_points" including the intra- and inter-operator repetitions in the identification of the muscle coordinates for the datasets (P1, P2, P3). 3. the folders "Intra" and "Inter" contain the kinematic and kinetic data used for the repeatability analysis.