Parameters used to assemble Taphrina betulina UCD315 Skewer v0.2.2 skewer -m pe -q 15 -n SPADES v3.11.1 --careful Augustus v2.5.5 augustus --gff3=on --species=schizosaccharomyces_pombe tRNAscan-SE version 2.0.3. tRNAscan-SE -M mtDNA.fasta tRNAscan-SE nucleus.fasta (mtDNA.fasta is the mitochondrial genome scaffold, and nucleus.fasta is the whole genome assembly, excluding the mitochondrial genome scaffold) Pipeline for variant analysis using SAMtools v1.1.19, BWA mem v0.7.12-r1039, PicardTools and Genome Analysis Toolkit v4.0.1. (including file names) bwa index ASSEMBLY.fasta samtools faidx ASSEMBLY.fasta picard-tools CreateSequenceDictionary REFERENCE=ASSEMBLY.fasta OUTPUT=ASSEMBLY.dict bwa mem -M -Y -R "@RG\tID:RGID\tSM:SAMPLE_NAME\tPL:illumina\tLB:lib1\tPU:unit1" ASSEMBLY.fasta READS1.fastq READS2.fastq > OUTPUT.sam samtools view -S -b SAMPLE.sam > SAMPLE.bam samtools sort SAMPLE.bam -o SAMPLE.sorted samtools index SAMPLE.sorted samtools flagstat SAMPLE.sorted > SAMPLE.sorted.stats picard-tools MarkDuplicates INPUT=SAMPLE.sorted OUTPUT=SAMPLE_dedup.bam METRICS_FILE=SAMPLE_duplicates_metrics.txt VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=LENIENT picard-tools BuildBamIndex INPUT=SAMPLE_dedup.bam VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=LENIENT gatk HaplotypeCaller --reference ASSEMBLY.fasta --input SAMPLE_dedup.bam --output SAMPLE.vcf bcftools stats SAMPLE.vcf > SAMPLE.vcf.stats