Acoustic, mechanical, and microstructure data used in: Coda-Wave Based Monitoring of Pore-Pressure Depletion-driven Compaction of Slochteren Sandstone Samples from the Groningen Gas Field This repository is a collection of HDF5 database files which were produced by the processing module pyCoda (DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3255940 ) Each file is named according to the core sample used. Each Database.h5 file contains the: TSdata: holds all of the time series data PVdata: holds all of the mechanical recorded data such as the pore-pressure, sample strain ..etc CCdata: holds the processed TSdata All datasets are referenced with an absolute date time stamp. In order to reproduce these data, one must ensure that the “import_raw” parameter in each setup.txt is set to “False”. This will prevent the python import module overwriting the raw data within each Database.h5 file. Then, one needs to run the python script "" which executes the python module pyCoda. The example scripts used for the import, and subsequent processing of these data are included in the “ProcessingScripts” folder.