This file describes the underlying datasets that were used in the paper published in the International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR) Volume 16, Issue 3 titled "Citizen Engagement With Open Government Data: A Systematic Literature Review of Drivers and Inhibitors" and their structures. The datasets were produced during the inclusion and exclusion of publications in six stages, and after the extraction of data needed to answer research questions. 1. slr-stage-0 search results.xlsx ================================== This dataset contains information about all publications collected from searching the Scopus and Web of Science databases using specific keywords (please refer to the Section "Search Strategies" of the paper) in one tab "stage-0 search results." Field Description ----- ----------- PubID Identification number of the paper Authors Name of the authors Title Title of the paper Year Year the paper was published Source title Name of the journal or conference publication Volume The paper's publication volume number Issue The paper's issue number in the publication volume Art. No. The paper's article number in the issue Page start The paper's starting page number Page end The paper's ending page number Cited by Number of other papers that cite the paper DOI Digital Object Identifier Affiliations The name of institutions affiliated with the authors Abstract Abstract of the paper Author Keywords Keywords Language of Original Document Language used by the paper Document Type Type of the paper (Article or Conference Paper) Access Type Type of access to the paper (Open Access) Source Name of the database (Scopus or Web of Scopus) EID Paper unique identification specified by the database 2. slr-stage-1 source selection.xlsx ==================================== This file contains two datasets: "results-stage-0-criteria" and "source selection criteria". dataset 1: source selection criteria =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This dataset contains the list of journal and conference publication source names and information about whether a source is excluded or not for further analysis. Field Description ----- ----------- Source Title Name of the journal or conference publication Excluded? Decision of excluding or including a source: - 'v' = a source is excluded - 'x' = a source is included dataset 2: results-stage-0-criteria =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This dataset contains the search results (see 1. slr-stage-0 search results.xlsx) and information whether a paper is excluded or not based on the criteria set in dataset 1: source selection criteria. Field Description ----- ----------- PubID Identification number of the paper Authors Name of the authors Title Title of the paper Year Year the paper was published Source title Name of the journal or conference publication Volume The paper's publication volume number Issue The paper's issue number in the publication volume Art. No. The paper's article number in the issue Page start The paper's starting page number Page end The paper's ending page number Cited by Number of other papers that cite the paper DOI Digital Object Identifier Affiliations The name of institutions affiliated with the authors Abstract Abstract of the paper Author Keywords Keywords Language of Original Document Language used by the paper Document Type Type of the paper (Article or Conference Paper) Access Type Type of access to the paper (Open Access) Source Name of the database (Scopus or Web of Scopus) EID Paper unique identification specified by the database Excluded? Decision of excluding or including a paper: - 'v' = a paper is excluded because the source of publication is excluded - 'vv' = a paper is excluded because no information about source of publication is available - 'vvv' = a paper is excluded because the length of the source of publication exceeds 256 characters - 'x' = a paper is included Remarks Information about the inclusion and exclusion criteria 3. slr-stage-2 remove duplicates.xlsx ==================================== This file contains three datasets: "results-stage-1", "results-stage-1-criteria" and "results-stage-2". dataset 1: results-stage-1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This dataset contains the results of the first stage of exclusion and inclusion (see dataset 2: results-stage-0-criteria in slr-stage-1 source selection.xlsx). The excluded papers are already removed from the dataset, hence it only shows the included papers. Field Description ----- ----------- PubID Identification number of the paper Authors Name of the authors Title Title of the paper Year Year the paper was published Source title Name of the journal or conference publication Volume The paper's publication volume number Issue The paper's issue number in the publication volume Art. No. The paper's article number in the issue Page start The paper's starting page number Page end The paper's ending page number Cited by Number of other papers that cite the paper DOI Digital Object Identifier Affiliations The name of institutions affiliated with the authors Abstract Abstract of the paper Author Keywords Keywords Language of Original Document Language used by the paper Document Type Type of the paper (Article or Conference Paper) Access Type Type of access to the paper (Open Access) Source Name of the database (Scopus or Web of Scopus) dataset 2: results-stage-1-criteria =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This dataset contains the results of stage 1 (see dataset 1: results-stage-1) and information whether a paper is duplicated or not, and hence information whether a paper is excluded or not based on the existence of duplicates. Field Description ----- ----------- Duplicate? Information whether a paper is duplicated or not - 'v' = a paper is a duplicate - (blank) = a paper is not a duplicate Excluded? Decision of excluding or including a paper: - 'v' = a paper is excluded because it is duplicated - 'x' = a paper is included PubID Identification number of the paper Authors Name of the authors Title Title of the paper Year Year the paper was published Source title Name of the journal or conference publication Volume The paper's publication volume number Issue The paper's issue number in the publication volume Art. No. The paper's article number in the issue Page start The paper's starting page number Page end The paper's ending page number Cited by Number of other papers that cite the paper DOI Digital Object Identifier Affiliations The name of institutions affiliated with the authors Abstract Abstract of the paper Author Keywords Keywords Language of Original Document Language used by the paper Document Type Type of the paper (Article or Conference Paper) Access Type Type of access to the paper (Open Access) Source Name of the database (Scopus or Web of Scopus) Shortened title Formatted paper title in lowercase in which symbols are also removed dataset 3: results-stage-2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This dataset contains the results of the second stage of duplicates removal (see dataset 2: results-stage-1-criteria). The excluded papers are already removed from the dataset, hence it only shows the included papers. Field Description ----- ----------- PubID Identification number of the paper Authors Name of the authors Title Title of the paper Year Year the paper was published Source title Name of the journal or conference publication Volume The paper's publication volume number Issue The paper's issue number in the publication volume Art. No. The paper's article number in the issue Page start The paper's starting page number Page end The paper's ending page number Cited by Number of other papers that cite the paper DOI Digital Object Identifier Affiliations The name of institutions affiliated with the authors Abstract Abstract of the paper Author Keywords Keywords Language of Original Document Language used by the paper Document Type Type of the paper (Article or Conference Paper) Access Type Type of access to the paper (Open Access) Source Name of the database (Scopus or Web of Scopus) 4. slr-stage-3 remove non conference non journal.xlsx ===================================================== This file contains two datasets: "results-stage-2 criteria" and "results-stage-3". dataset 1: results-stage-2 criteria =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This dataset contains the results of stage 2 (see slr-stage-2 remove duplicates.xlsx dataset 3: results-stage-2), information whether a paper is excluded or not based on these criteria: it is a research article (not one of these types: workshop, panel, editorial, poster, tutorial, position/essay), it is not a short paper, and it is not an ongoing research. Field Description ----- ----------- Remarks Information about assessment result that describes the type of the excluded paper Excluded? Decision of excluding or including a paper: - 'v' = a paper is excluded because it does not comply the criteria about the type of paper - 'x' = a paper is included PubID Identification number of the paper Authors Name of the authors Title Title of the paper Year Year the paper was published Source title Name of the journal or conference publication Volume The paper's publication volume number Issue The paper's issue number in the publication volume Art. No. The paper's article number in the issue Page start The paper's starting page number Page end The paper's ending page number Cited by Number of other papers that cite the paper DOI Digital Object Identifier Affiliations The name of institutions affiliated with the authors Abstract Abstract of the paper Author Keywords Keywords Language of Original Document Language used by the paper Document Type Type of the paper (Article or Conference Paper) Access Type Type of access to the paper (Open Access) Source Name of the database (Scopus or Web of Scopus) dataset 2: results-stage-3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This dataset contains the results of the third stage of irrelevant paper removal (see dataset 1: results-stage-2-criteria). The excluded papers are already removed from the dataset, hence it only shows the included papers. Field Description ----- ----------- PubID Identification number of the paper Authors Name of the authors Title Title of the paper Year Year the paper was published Source title Name of the journal or conference publication Volume The paper's publication volume number Issue The paper's issue number in the publication volume Art. No. The paper's article number in the issue Page start The paper's starting page number Page end The paper's ending page number Cited by Number of other papers that cite the paper DOI Digital Object Identifier Affiliations The name of institutions affiliated with the authors Abstract Abstract of the paper Author Keywords Keywords Language of Original Document Language used by the paper Document Type Type of the paper (Article or Conference Paper) Access Type Type of access to the paper (Open Access) Source Name of the database (Scopus or Web of Scopus) 5. slr-stage-4 remove irrelevant abstracts.xlsx =============================================== This file contains two datasets: "results-stage-3 criteria" and "results-stage-4". dataset 1: results-stage-3 criteria =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This dataset contains the results of stage 3 (see slr-stage-3 remove non conference non journal.xlsx dataset 2: results-stage-3) and information whether a paper is excluded or not based on the criteria: it has a relevant abstract. Field Description ----- ----------- Remarks Information about assessment result that describes the abstract of the excluded paper Excluded? Decision of excluding or including a paper: - 'v' = a paper is excluded because its abstract is irrelevant - 'x' = a paper is included PubID Identification number of the paper Authors Name of the authors Title Title of the paper Year Year the paper was published Source title Name of the journal or conference publication Volume The paper's publication volume number Issue The paper's issue number in the publication volume Art. No. The paper's article number in the issue Page start The paper's starting page number Page end The paper's ending page number Cited by Number of other papers that cite the paper DOI Digital Object Identifier Affiliations The name of institutions affiliated with the authors Abstract Abstract of the paper Author Keywords Keywords Language of Original Document Language used by the paper Document Type Type of the paper (Article or Conference Paper) Access Type Type of access to the paper (Open Access) Source Name of the database (Scopus or Web of Scopus) dataset 2: results-stage-4 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This dataset contains the results of the fourth stage of irrelevant paper removal (see dataset 1: results-stage-3-criteria). The excluded papers are already removed from the dataset, hence it only shows the included papers. Field Description ----- ----------- PubID Identification number of the paper Authors Name of the authors Title Title of the paper Year Year the paper was published Source title Name of the journal or conference publication Volume The paper's publication volume number Issue The paper's issue number in the publication volume Art. No. The paper's article number in the issue Page start The paper's starting page number Page end The paper's ending page number Cited by Number of other papers that cite the paper DOI Digital Object Identifier Affiliations The name of institutions affiliated with the authors Abstract Abstract of the paper Author Keywords Keywords Language of Original Document Language used by the paper Document Type Type of the paper (Article or Conference Paper) Access Type Type of access to the paper (Open Access) Source Name of the database (Scopus or Web of Scopus) 6. slr-stage-5 remove irrelevant contents.xlsx ============================================== This file contains two datasets: "results-stage-4 criteria" and "results-stage-5". dataset 1: results-stage-4 criteria =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This dataset contains the results of stage 4 (see slr-stage-4 remove irrelevant abstracts.xlsx dataset 2: results-stage-4) and information whether a paper is excluded or not based on the criteria: it has a relevant content. Field Description ----- ----------- Excluded? Decision of excluding or including a paper: - 'v' = a paper is excluded because its content is irrelevant - (blank) = a paper is included Remarks Information about assessment result of the content of the excluded paper PubID Identification number of the paper Authors Name of the authors Title Title of the paper Year Year the paper was published Source title Name of the journal or conference publication Volume The paper's publication volume number Issue The paper's issue number in the publication volume Art. No. The paper's article number in the issue Page start The paper's starting page number Page end The paper's ending page number Cited by Number of other papers that cite the paper DOI Digital Object Identifier Affiliations The name of institutions affiliated with the authors Abstract Abstract of the paper Author Keywords Keywords Language of Original Document Language used by the paper Document Type Type of the paper (Article or Conference Paper) Access Type Type of access to the paper (Open Access) Source Name of the database (Scopus or Web of Scopus) dataset 2: results-stage-5 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This dataset contains the results of the fifth stage of irrelevant paper removal (see dataset 1: results-stage-4-criteria). The excluded papers are already removed from the dataset, hence it only shows the included papers. Field Description ----- ----------- PubID Identification number of the paper Authors Name of the authors Title Title of the paper Year Year the paper was published Source title Name of the journal or conference publication Volume The paper's publication volume number Issue The paper's issue number in the publication volume Art. No. The paper's article number in the issue Page start The paper's starting page number Page end The paper's ending page number Cited by Number of other papers that cite the paper DOI Digital Object Identifier Affiliations The name of institutions affiliated with the authors Abstract Abstract of the paper Author Keywords Keywords Language of Original Document Language used by the paper Document Type Type of the paper (Article or Conference Paper) Access Type Type of access to the paper (Open Access) Source Name of the database (Scopus or Web of Scopus) 7. slr-stage-6 final forward backward.xlsx ========================================== This file contains seven datasets: "backward-stage-6", "backward criteria", "backward results", "forward-stage-6", "forward criteria", "forward results", and "results-stage-6". dataset 1: backward-stage-6 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This dataset contains the results of backward search based on the result of stage 5 (see slr-stage-5 remove irrelevant contents.xlsx dataset 2: results-stage-5). Papers referenced by the included papers in stage 5 are listed in this dataset. Field Description ----- ----------- Title Title of the included paper in stage 5 Authors Name of the authors of the included paper in stage 5 PubID Identification number of the included paper in stage 5 Year Year of the included paper in stage 5 was published Authors-BWD Name of the authors of the paper from backward search Title-BWD Title of the paper from backward search Year-BWD Year of the paper from backward search was published Source title-BWD Name of the journal or conference publication Volume-BWD The paper's publication volume number Issue-BWD The paper's issue number in the publication volume Art. No.-BWD The paper's article number in the issue Page start-BWD The paper's starting page number Page end-BWD The paper's ending page number DOI-BWD Digital Object Identifier of the paper from backward search Link-BWD Scopus URL link to the paper from backward search Abstract-BWD Abstract of the paper from backward search Author Keywords-BWD Keywords of the paper from backward search EID-BWD Scopus/Web of Science identifier of the paper from backward search dataset 2: backward criteria =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This dataset contains the results of the backward search (see dataset 1: backward-stage-6) and information whether a paper is excluded or not based on the asessment of its content. Field Description ----- ----------- Excluded? Decision of excluding or including a paper: - 'v' = a paper is excluded because its content is irrelevant - (blank) = a paper is included Authors Name of the authors of the paper from backward search Title Title of the paper from backward search Year Year of the paper from backward search was published Source title Name of the journal or conference publication Volume The paper's publication volume number Issue The paper's issue number in the publication volume Art. No. The paper's article number in the issue Page start The paper's starting page number Page end The paper's ending page number DOI Digital Object Identifier of the paper from backward search Link Scopus URL link to the paper from backward search Abstract Abstract of the paper from backward search Author Keywords Keywords of the paper from backward search EID Scopus/Web of Science identifier of the paper from backward search dataset 3: backward results =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This dataset contains the final results of the backward search that are included for further analysis. Field Description ----- ----------- Authors Name of the authors of the paper from backward search Title Title of the paper from backward search Year Year of the paper from backward search was published Source title Name of the journal or conference publication Volume The paper's publication volume number Issue The paper's issue number in the publication volume Art. No. The paper's article number in the issue Page start The paper's starting page number Page end The paper's ending page number DOI Digital Object Identifier of the paper from backward search Link Scopus URL link to the paper from backward search Abstract Abstract of the paper from backward search Author Keywords Keywords of the paper from backward search EID Scopus/Web of Science identifier of the paper from backward search dataset 4: forward-stage-6 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This dataset contains the results of forward search based on the result of stage 5 (see slr-stage-5 remove irrelevant contents.xlsx dataset 2: results-stage-5). Papers cited the included papers in stage 5 are listed in this dataset. Field Description ----- ----------- Title Title of the included paper in stage 5 Authors Name of the authors of the included paper in stage 5 PubID Identification number of the included paper in stage 5 Year Year of the included paper in stage 5 was published Authors-FWD Name of the authors of the paper from forward search Title-FWD Title of the paper from forward search Year-FWD Year of the paper from forward search was published Source title-FWD Name of the journal or conference publication Volume-FWD The paper's publication volume number Issue-FWD The paper's issue number in the publication volume Art. No.-FWD The paper's article number in the issue Page start-FWD The paper's starting page number Page end-FWD The paper's ending page number DOI-FWD Digital Object Identifier of the paper from forward search Link-FWD Scopus URL link to the paper from forward search Abstract-FWD Abstract of the paper from forward search Author Keywords-FWD Keywords of the paper from forward search EID-FWD Scopus/Web of Science identifier of the paper from forward search dataset 5: forward criteria =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This dataset contains the results of the forward search (see dataset 3: forward-stage-6) and information whether a paper is excluded or not based on the asessment of its content. Field Description ----- ----------- Excluded? Decision of excluding or including a paper: - 'v' = a paper is excluded because its content is irrelevant - (blank) = a paper is included Authors Name of the authors of the paper from forward search Title Title of the paper from forward search Year Year of the paper from forward search was published Source title Name of the journal or conference publication Volume The paper's publication volume number Issue The paper's issue number in the publication volume Art. No. The paper's article number in the issue Page start The paper's starting page number Page end The paper's ending page number DOI Digital Object Identifier of the paper from forward search Link Scopus URL link to the paper from forward search Abstract Abstract of the paper from forward search Author Keywords Keywords of the paper from forward search EID Scopus/Web of Science identifier of the paper from forward search dataset 6: forward results =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This dataset contains the final results of the forward search that are included for further analysis. Field Description ----- ----------- Authors Name of the authors of the paper from forward search Title Title of the paper from forward search Year Year of the paper from forward search was published Source title Name of the journal or conference publication Volume The paper's publication volume number Issue The paper's issue number in the publication volume Art. No. The paper's article number in the issue Page start The paper's starting page number Page end The paper's ending page number DOI Digital Object Identifier of the paper from forward search Link Scopus URL link to the paper from forward search Abstract Abstract of the paper from forward search Author Keywords Keywords of the paper from forward search EID Scopus/Web of Science identifier of the paper from forward search dataset 7: results-stage-6 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This dataset contains the final results of the search comprised of papers included from the stage 5 (see slr-stage-5 remove irrelevant contents.xlsx dataset 2: results-stage-5), from the backward search (see dataset 3: backward results), and from the forward search (see dataset 6: forward results). Field Description ----- ----------- Authors Name of the authors of the paper from forward search Title Title of the paper from forward search Year Year of the paper from forward search was published Source title Name of the journal or conference publication Volume The paper's publication volume number Issue The paper's issue number in the publication volume Art. No. The paper's article number in the issue Page start The paper's starting page number Page end The paper's ending page number DOI Digital Object Identifier of the paper from forward search Link Scopus URL link to the paper from forward search Abstract Abstract of the paper from forward search Author Keywords Keywords of the paper from forward search EID Scopus/Web of Science identifier of the paper from forward search PubID Identification number of the included paper in stage 5