This DOHERTY_CATBAITING_Readme.txt file was generated on 20201126 by Tim Doherty. ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Title of Dataset: Experimentally testing the response of feral cats and their prey to poison baiting. Principal Investigator: Dr Tim Doherty, University of Sydney, Date of data collection: 2012-19 Geographic location of data collection: Charles Darwin Reserve, Western Australia. -------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW -------------------- cat_baiting_code.R: R code for running the analyses umf_2013_3d.rds: Unmarked dataframe for occupancy analysis 2013 umf_2014_3d.rds: Unmarked dataframe for occupancy analysis 2014 umf_2016_3d.rds: Unmarked dataframe for occupancy analysis 2016 umf_2017_3d.rds: Unmarked dataframe for occupancy analysis 2017 umf_2018_3d.rds: Unmarked dataframe for occupancy analysis 2018 umf_2019_3d.rds: Unmarked dataframe for occupancy analysis 2019 activity_NS.RData: Activity index data for 2013-19 efficacy_analysis.csv: Data on baiting effectiveness and covariates (rainfall and prey) pitfall_capture_rates.csv: Pitfall trap capture rate data for small mammals and reptiles -------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION -------------------------- umf_2013_3d.rds (24 observation columns, 10 covariate columns, 40 data rows) umf_2014_3d.rds (22 observation columns, 10 covariate columns, 40 data rows) umf_2016_3d.rds (24 observation columns, 8 covariate columns, 39 data rows) umf_2017_3d.rds (22 observation columns, 8 covariate columns, 40 data rows) umf_2018_3d.rds (20 observation columns, 8 covariate columns, 40 data rows) umf_2019_3d.rds (20 observation columns, 8 covariate columns, 40 data rows) Variable list: The columns beginning with 'y.' represent successive observation periods and the number varies between years (see above). 'Shrub_young': Detection covariate, proportion of young shrublands around each camera station. 'Shrub_old': Detection covariate, proportion of old shrublands around each camera station. 'Woodland': Detection covariate, proportion of woodland around each camera station. 'Salt_lake': Detection covariate, proportion of salt lake around each camera station. 'Granite': Detection covariate, proportion of granite outcrops around each camera station. 'Location': 'North' represents the unbaited reference area and 'South' represents the baited treatment area. 'baiting_period.1': Identifier for the first primary period as being 'Before' baiting. 'baiting_period.2': Identifier for the second primary period as being 'After' baiting. 'camera_model.1': Camera trap model for the first primary period (2013 and 2014 only). 'camera_model.2': Camera trap model for the second primary period (2013 and 2014 only). *** Note that for some reason the unmarked package duplicates the yearly site covariates (baiting_period and camera_model) when viewing the data frame, thus there are two extra columns for baiting_period (all years) and camera_model (2013 and 2014 only) that can be ignored. -------------------------- activity_NS.RData Number of variables: 8 Number of cases/rows: 556 Variable list: 'Session.number': Identifier for the survey period. 'Camera_ID': Identifier for each camera trap station. 'Cat': Number of independent detections of feral cats on the camera during that session. 'TrapNights': Number of nights the camera was active during the session. 'CatAI': Activity index of cats (number of detections divided by trap nights, multiplied by 100). 'Period': Identifier for whether the survey was pre- or post-baiting in each year. 'Year': Survey year (2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019) 'Treatment': Either the 'Unbaited' reference area, or the 'Baited' treatment area. -------------------------- efficacy_analysis.csv Number of variables: 10 Number of cases/rows: 6 Variable list: 'Year': Survey year (2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019) 'Occ_diff': Relative change in occupancy between treatments and periods. Refer to methods for formula. 'AI_dif': Relative change in the activity index between treatments and periods. Refer to methods for formula. 'AI_PP_ratio': Predator-prey ratio index. Refer to methods for formula. 'Pre_AI_both': Mean pre-baiting cat activity across all sites. 'Mammal_CR2': Capture rate of small mammals in pitfall traps (captures per trap-night). 'Rain_6m': Cumulative rainfall (mm) in the six months prior to baiting. 'Rain_12m': Cumulative rainfall (mm) in the 12 months prior to baiting. 'Rab_Win': Rabbit activity in winter prior to baiting measured using sand pads. Refer to methods for formula. 'Rab_Spr': Rabbit activity in spring prior to baiting measured using sand pads. Refer to methods for formula. -------------------------- pitfall_capture_rates.csv Number of variables: 8 Number of cases/rows: 83 Variable list: 'Year': Survey year (2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018) 'Site': Identifier for each pitfall trapping site. 'Mammal': Number of individual small mammals captured at the site. 'Reptile': Number of individual reptiles captured at the site. 'Trap_nights': Number of trap_nights per site (number of traps multiplied by number of survey nights). 'Mammal_CR2': Small mammal capture rate ('Mammal' divided by 'Trap_nights'). 'Reptile_CR2': Reptile capture rate ('Reptile' divided by 'Trap_nights').