Data resulting from slide-hold-slide friction experiments on three types of carbonate faults rocks. Park, Y; Hirose, T and Ree, J.H. Corresponding author: Ree, Jin-Han email: ***General Introduction*** This data set is corresponding to the Park, Y., Hirose, T., and Ree, JH, "Carbonate fault mirrors with extremely low frictional healing rates: A possible source of aseismic creep" Geophysical Research Letters, 2021. The data set shows that carbonate fault mirrors have significantly low (near-zero) frictinoal healing rates, while newly formed gouges and gouges generated from destroyed fault mirrors have high frictional healing rates. This results have significant implications on modeling aseismic creep of carbonate fault zones having multiple fault mirror patches. ***Purpose of the test*** To study frictional healing rate of carbonate fault mirrors generated under seismic slip rates. ***About experiments*** All data sets were collected from experiments using a low-to-high-velocity rotary-shear apparatus at the Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research, Japan. As for the detail experimental conditions and methods, please refer to Park et al., 2021. ***Description of the data set*** Titles of data files represent run numbers of slide-hold-slide friction experiments. Each of the data files contains Normal load, Rotation number, Torque recorded during experiments and normal stress converted from normal load, displacement converted from rotation number, averaged torque, shear stress converted from torque and frictional coefficient.