TrialPlantMeasures = Classification variable for the study of effect of drought (water deficit) on plant measures. There were two trials (A and B) of the drought experiment. TreatmentPlantMeasures = Classification variable indicating which drought (water deficit) treatment was applied. ‘Drought Galling’ = Normal watering (75 ml of water 3x per week) applied before and during the period when parent females were allowed to lay eggs on plants; water deficit (25 ml of water 3x per week) was applied after parent females were removed from plants, during the remainder of the experiment-the entire period of gall development and progeny fly emergence. ‘Drought Oviposition’ =water deficit was applied before and during the period when adult females were allowed allowed to lay eggs, and plants were returned to normal watering after parent females were removed from plants, for the remainder of the experiment. ‘Full Drought’ = Water deficit applied throughout the experiment. ‘Full Water’ = Normal watering applied throughout the experiment. PlantNumPlantMeasures = Plant number assigned to each plant grown for the experiment. A random number; not relevant to drought treatment applied. Number of New Shoots = Number of shoots produced by the plant during the experiment, that were not present at the start of the experiment when baseline measurements were taken. Shoot Growth (cm) = Change in total shoot length (main and side shoots) from the start of the Experiment (before parent females were put on plants) to the end of the experiment (after all fly progeny had emerged). New Shoot Tips = Number of shoot tips produced by the plant during the experiment, that were not present at the start of the experiment when baseline measurements were taken. Total Leaf Area (cm2) = Surface area of all leaves on plant at the end of the experiment, measured using a Li-Cor 3100 leaf area meter. Avg Leaf Area (cm2) = Total Leaf Area divided by the total number of leaves sampled on the plant at the end of the experiment. Total Leaves = Count of all leaves sampled for area at the end of the experiment. Plant Biomass (dry) = Mass in grams after drying above-ground plant parts (stems and leaves) for at least 8 weeks at room temperature. Log10New Shoots = Log (base 10) of Number of New Shoots. Log10Shoot length = Log (base 10) of the total shoot length at the end of the experiment. Log10Shoot Growth = Log (base 10) of Shoot Growth. Log10New Shoot Tips = Log (base 10) of New Shoot Tips. Log10Total Leaves = Log (base 10) of Total Leaves. Log10Total Leaf Area = Log (base 10) of Total Leaf Area. Log10Avg Leaf Area = Log (base 10) of Avg Leaf Area. Log10Plant Biomass (dry) = Log (base 10) of Plant Biomass (dry). TrialInsectMeasures = Classification variable for the study of effect of drought (water deficit) on insect (Parafreutreta regalis, Cape-ivy shoot tip-galling fly) measures. There were two trials (A and B) of the drought experiment. TreatmentInsectMeasures = Classification variable indicating which drought (water deficit) treatment was applied. ‘Drought Galling’ = Normal watering (75 ml of water 3x per week) applied before and during the period when parent females were allowed to lay eggs on plants; water deficit (25 ml of water 3x per week) was applied after parent females were removed from plants, during the remainder of the experiment-the entire period of gall development and progeny fly emergence. ‘Drought Oviposition’ =water deficit was applied before and during the period when adult females were allowed allowed to lay eggs, and plants were returned to normal watering after parent females were removed from plants, for the remainder of the experiment. ‘Full Drought’ = Water deficit applied throughout the experiment. ‘Full Water’ = Normal watering applied throughout the experiment. DroughtlengthInsectMeasures = ‘Long’ for Drought Galling and Full Drought treatments; ‘Short’ for Full Water and Drought Oviposition treatments. PlantNumInsectMeasures = Plant number assigned to each plant grown for the experiment. A random number; not relevant to drought treatment applied. Number of Galls Mature = Count of total galls on each plant inside which at least one fly larva completed development and pupated ( indicated by a ‘window’ appearing in the side of the gall, chewed by a larva before it pupated). Number of Galls Aborted = Count of total galls on each plant inside which no larvae or pupae were found. Prop galls Mature = (Number of Gall Mature / (Number of Galls Mature +Number of Galls Aborted). avg. Gall Width (mm) =Width of mature galls measured with a digital calipers summed across all mature galls on each plant / Number of Galls Mature on that plant. Log10Gall width = Log (base 10) of avg. Gall Width. avg. Gall Mass (mg) = Sum of fresh mass in milligrams of all mature galls on each plant / Number of Galls Mature on that plant. Log10Gall mass = Log (base 10) of avg. Gall Mass. Avg Immature Insects / All Galls-Mature or Aborted = The count of total larvae and puparia collected from all galls on each plant divided by the total gall count per plant (Number of Galls Mature +Number of Galls Aborted. Sum(Number of Larvae) = The count of total fly larvae (alive or dead) collected from all galls on each plant. Sum(Number of Puparia) =The count of total fly puparia (alive or dead) collected from all galls on each plant. Avg Num Puparia / Mature Gall = Sum(Number of Puparia) / Number of Galls Mature on each plant. avg. Puparia Mass (mg) in Mature Gall = The sum of the mass in milligrams of all the fly puparia collected from all galls on the plant / Sum(Number of Puparia). avg. Days to Pupation = The time from parent fly placement on plants to the date a gall ‘window’ appeared on each mature gall on a plant / Number of Galls Mature on that plant. Number of Emerged Galls Used for Adult Counts = The count of the subset of mature galls that were left intact on the plants, and from which adult progeny flies were allowed to emerge. Sum Emerged Adults = Total number of live adult flies that emerged on each plant. Avg Live Adults / Emerged Gall = Sum Emerged Adults / Number of Emerged Galls Used for Adult Counts, for each plant. Sum Dead Adults not Eclosed in Emerged Gall = Count of dead adults found inside emerged galls, summed for each plant. Avg Dead Adults / Emerged Gall =Sum Dead Adults not Eclosed in Emerged Gall / Number of Emerged Galls Used for Adult Counts, for each plant. Log Adults Eclosed = Log (base 10) Sum Emerged Adults. Avg. Days Adults Emerge = Time from date of parent fly placement on plant to data each adult emerged, summed across all adult emergence events on that plant / Sum Emerged Adults. Sum (Immature Insects) = Sum(Number of Larvae) + Sum(Number of Puparia). Sum(Dead Immature Insects) = Sum of dead larvae and puparia found in all galls on each plant (a subset of Sum(Immature Insects)). Avg Dead Insects / Gall-Both Mature and Aborted Galls = Sum(Dead Immature Insects) / (Number of Galls Mature + Number of Galls Aborted). Immature Mortality= Sum(Dead Immature Insects) / Sum (Immature Insects). ChoiceTestTrial = Pair (cage) number, inside each of which two plants were placed, one under Full Water treatment (75 ml of water 3 x per week) and one under Drought Oviposition treatment (25 ml of water 3 x per week, starting before the parent females were released into the choice cage, and ending at the time parent females were removed from the cage, after which the plants were given Full Water treatment). ChoiceTestTreament = Drought treatment as defined under ChoiceTestTrial. ChoiceTestNumberof Galls = Number of galls counted on the plants at the time the choice test was terminated (when the galls reached maximum size, but before gall ‘windows’ appeared, ie the galls were removed before the insects inside completed full development). ChoiceTestNumberofLarvae = Total number of larvae (live or dead) dissected from galls on each plant. ChoiceTestNumberof Eggs = Total number of eggs dissected from galls on each plant. ChoiceTestTotalinsects = ChoiceTestNumberofLarvae + ChoiceTestNumberof Eggs. ChoiceTestInsectspergall = ChoiceTestTotalinsects / ChoiceTestNumberof Galls. ChoiceTestNumberof Shoot tips = Number of shoot tips counted on plants at the time the choice test was started. FlyEmergenceTrial = Classification variable for the study of effect of drought (water deficit) on plant measures. There were two trials (A and B) of the drought experiment. FlyEmergenceTreatment = Classification variable indicating which drought (water deficit) treatment was applied. ‘Drought Galling’ = Normal watering (75 ml of water 3x per week) applied before and during the period when parent females were allowed to lay eggs on plants; water deficit (25 ml of water 3x per week) was applied after parent females were removed from plants, during the remainder of the experiment-the entire period of gall development and progeny fly emergence. ‘Drought Oviposition’ =water deficit was applied before and during the period when adult females were allowed allowed to lay eggs, and plants were returned to normal watering after parent females were removed from plants, for the remainder of the experiment. ‘Full Drought’ = Water deficit applied throughout the experiment. ‘Full Water’ = Normal watering applied throughout the experiment. The classification here is used to apply to measurement of total development time of individual flies, which was used in a survival analysis to compare development times between the four drought treatments. FlyEmergencePlantNum = Plant number assigned to each plant grown for the experiment. A random number; not relevant to drought treatment applied. FlyEmergenceStartDate = Date parent females were released into the no-choice test. FlyEmergenceEcloseDate = Date progeny fly emerged from gall and was collected from cage. EmergedNumberofFemales = Number of female progeny flies that emerged and were collected on that FlyEmergenceEcloseDate. EmergedNumberofMales = Number of male progeny flies that emerged and were collected on that FlyEmergenceEcloseDate. EmergedNumberofEscaped = Number of unsexed progeny flies that emerged and escaped from the cage while attempting to collect. EmergedTotalFlies = EmergedNumberofFemales + EmergedNumberofMales+EmergedNumberofEscaped. EmergedDaystoEclose = FlyEmergenceEcloseDate – FlyEmergenceStartDate.